Fishing… Fun, only when you catch something. I went last Tuesday for the first time in about 5 weeks. Hoping to have “catch em all” I was pretty worked up with anticipation. Waking up around 3 in the morning, it was time to make the coffee, load the boat, and do all the little things you do for day out on the water. A quick trip to the convenient store for drinks and crackers in case of hunger, and it was time to hook up the boat and head to the river. The morning turned out nice enough, the forecast calling for little to no wind and sunny skies. Making my way to the waters edge, the boat was unloaded, the last bit of supplies loaded and it was time to shove off for a day in the river. Rounding the first bin, the fish were splashing and a smile came across my face, “What a good day this going to be” I said aloud for the birds and fishes to hear, and that was my jinx. Casting out line one… the another and another, and after about 40 minutes it was time to leave and head further down. After virtually running aground, I had to drag the boat 20 yards through a shallow sand bar and when it was deep enough to float again, it was time to jump in and make way. With a quick stroke of the paddle, I flowed down the river with ease, stopping and pitching here and there, with no luck. After an hour or so it was time to move down the river where it widens, and then turns.
Trolling though the pond-like area, if came across a spot that looked pleasing and now getting disgusted with the day, this looked like a good place to give a shot as well as any. Throwing out a line, a splash caught my and quickly reeling in I re-cast closer to the huge boil. With an eye on the bobber, it was time to get a soda from the cooler. Just as I took the first swig from the icy cold drink, the bobber, it moved. At Last!! A bobble or two and under she goes! Strike!! A tug and a swirl and off it came leaving heartbroken and empty handed. “Hit it again” I scream. No way was that fish going to be fooled again, nor any other. And after an hour of no luck and the sun beating my brow it was time to end this journey, and that is how the day went. Maybe next time!!!