Sunday, October 18, 2015

Cedar Key Pirates

It's a bit late  posting, but here goes.  The Cedar Key Pirate Invasion
 was a grand time. to put it in the words of  Black Dog from treasure Island, "this here be a quiet cove" or at least until the pirates invaded.  Lots of  music and cannon fire throughout the weekend.  Friday night the pirates had dinner with the public, which I was unable to attend, but my crew-mate Dungeon Dan Blackheart
says it was a grand time. Saturday, was the main day, as I awoke to smell of the campfire, and soon breakfast. Biscuits and gravy along with the morning grog, Coffee, was soon divvied among the crew. The day then kicked off with a parade,where the pirates "pillaged" the town "running" through the streets singing and otherwise ranting and roaring. Then the treasure hunt begins. As legend has it, The dread Pirate John Laffite has buried treasure somewhere in Cedar Key, and guess who just happens to steal a treasure map from some drunken sailor? No not I, but The infamous Bloody Sam Rackham of  The Cursed Few
He gathers up his crew(which in this case is all the children in attendance)  and set out to find the treasure.  A hunt around the cove  and then treasure, divvied among the crew. Shortly thereafter a battle begins for it seems that Bloody Sam has struck good fortune again, but not for long. As he and his crew decide what to do with the treasure found upon the cove,  the Captain of The Scarlett Fortuna
had overseen the the taking of said map as mentioned earlier, and decided to claim to claim the riches for himself, recruited the local garrison, promising to "share the wealth" he then proceeds to confront Bloody Sam and a fight ensues. during the battle a third party who was also at the pub and saw everything, sneaks in from shore during the fight and as the first two crews  are firing lead and swinging cutlass, the treasure is being taken.  As James Hawk, the Fortuna's Captain, confronts the two rogue pirates, he gets an oar smashed against his head, by the boatman and the oarman (yours truly) runs off with the treasure, loads it in the longboat, to take back to the Mutineers ship, only to be double-crossed by the first Mate. Shot dead and left to die on the sands of Cedar Key.  With the making off with treasure the Mutineers won the day.  the Garrison tried shooting at them with a cannon but missed, and the second was way too short.  The rest of the day was spent listening to  The Bawdy Boys
and Tricorn
and so ended the Saturday hoorah, with a night fire performance  from Mcfly
Sunday was spent looking through the wares of the local vendors, and listening to the bands, just having a grand time being a pirate. It was a grand time to be had as anticipated, and I hope to it again next year!