Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Ahoy and welcome once again to Shipwreck's Hideaway. Today I had the pleasure of going to a local school for Pirate day. It was the most fun a sailor could stand when he isn't at sea, and not in a courtesan's house or other such establishment of ill repute. There were somewhere around 40 young lads and lasses this time, and all eager to ask ol' Shipwreck their question. things like Are you a real Pirate, where is your sword, where is your ship, Can I ride on the ship, How did you get this far inland, do you take baths and the list goes on a fun day to be had for sure but nothing I can really show due to school policies. I did slip this little bit of piratical pleasure in before we went out to look for treasure.

Then It was off to find the Treasure! Loot and plunder the whole of the playground before we finally found it.   A jolly good time had by all. finishing the day with a bit of grub and a jolly farewell, I must say it will be a pleasure to that again!!

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