Sunday, February 17, 2019

AVAST! Madman's Window

A happy belated Valentines to ye me hearties! Tis the season to be a givin' yer heart to to ye true love, iffin ya have one. Unless of course you are François l'Olonnais, who will just take out your heart for himself! With that being said, today's yarn is about Madman's Window and their album Avast!. It is 8 songs of Nautical/ Irish/Folk music of traditional music that leaves you looking to the sea for adventure!
My Favorite must be Soggy Bones, a tale of the pirates life, and the wishes of being buried at sea. Other songs include Sam Hall, which is a lot like William Kidd, Whiskey in the Jar, and all for me grog. An adventure for the ears, to be sure! You can get your MP3 copy from Amazon music, or you can listen to it on Spotify. Get your copy today and get to listening!

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