Monday, April 04, 2016

The Weazelteeth Experience

Good Times to be had at The Weazeltooth's hideaway!

The Cursed Few and Scarlett Fortuna had a a crew camp-out for a little ARR and ARR. It was fine food and great friends having fun  with a bit of teaching and learning. We all gathered Friday and set up camp. The Friday meal was  the "luck of the Pot" as everyone brought a little something to feed our faces. Saturday was awakened by the rain  and the  the southern breakfast. Grits with cheese and eggs and ham. The rain soon cleared out and the out came the weapons where our resident battle master showed the crews  some ship boarding techniques and defense moves. Then it was supper time with  pulled pork and  Macaroni salad. After good eats it was time to sit by the campfire and enjoy the evening with story telling and revelry. Sunday was the sad day as we had to say our goodbyes. We awoke to the cold and quickly hunted down the coffee.  Breakfast was biscuits and gravy followed by  a couple of surprise visitors. Before we all packed up and headed our separate ways we had the last meal, taco soup. Soon it was goodbyes and the fabulous weekend was over. Great Friends !!!Fabulous Food!!! How can you ask for a better weekend?

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