Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Lawful Evil

Ahoy Mates Its the middle of the summer, and sadly I haven't done much in the way of pirating. The last  adventure fell through so I am here doing yet another review, which  for the Pirate "metal head" may be something fresh.
  With that being said,  there are very view choices for the pirate who likes rock, at least only a few I know of. One of the best in my opinion is The Dread Crew of Oddwood, and their newest album is definitely top notch! Lawful Evil is right in in line with with what you  expect from The Dread Crew. From the beginning they were one of my favorite pirate bands, and this album is no exception. I find myself stomping  my feet and quoting lyrics, and they are a regular presence in my stereo. Some of my favorites from this album are SulfurDead Man's Medley, Storm Riders, and Raise your Pints. The whole album is exceptionally well put together  and it is worth your silver. For facebookers, you can find them on Facebook or  look them up on their web page. All of Oddwood's albums  are fantastic and if you have the coin it is worth it!

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