Friday, January 27, 2006

Another Perfect Day

Any day I don't have to work is a good day. Any day I can go fishing is even better. Any day I can go fishing and skunk the guy I am fishing with is perfect. Today's unlucky contestant was my Father in law, George. Now usually when George and I hit the water I am the one hanging my head, but not today. I can't say as we" tore them up," but we at least "brought home the Bacon" It it was a breezy afternoon, but not windy. The fish had lockjaw. I finally caught a small bass on a Renousky minnow. Then George had to go and pick up something from the house we had left. While he was gone I caught a keeper bass, not bragging size, a little over a pound around 15 inches. Then the line he left dangling over the side of the pier went down. A nice Georgia bream. For those who don't know about Georgia bream, that would be a stock of bream that are the size of monster Bluegills, somewhere around a pound. It is referred to in the south as a tittie bream because it is so big you have to hold against your chest to get the hook out of it's mouth. When he came back nothing......until we were almost ready to go then I caught three more. Score John--4 George-0. Not a big catch, but enough. And to top it off we had fish for dinner, although not the ones we caught....Mullet. Have a good weekend, I will be working.....Shipwreck

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