Today I went to Pebble Hill Plantation. It is one of the many plantations here in south Georgia, and the only one to my knowledge open to the public. It is located about 5 miles outside of Thomasville, Georgia on US 319. It was really a interesting place to see, and if you haven’t, I think you should spend the to see it if you are in the area. Of course it being a plantation, the grounds are quite large and the house is a Mansion, with lots of finery. The neat thing about going to a place like that is you get to see all the different things that people with wealth acquire during their lifetime. There are lots of paintings in the house, a lot of them are of birds and turkeys. The owners were quite fond of hunting and used this as their winter hunting lodge. There is also lots of paintings of hounds and horses. The owners also were into show horses and have quite a few trophies and ribbons about the place. Fine china and all the other trimmings are all about. There are pictures of President Eisenhower, when he visited, and Pictures of President Carter when he visited. Unfortunately they wouldn’t allow us to take pictures, But I do have one of the postcards of the Indian Room.
If you like artifacts, then that room is definitely worth seeing . Well that’s all for now. Until next time…….Shipwreck
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