Saturday, February 24, 2024

A Bit of a Snag

Hello Friends!  I hope you enjoyed the video I posted.  I have run into a bit of a snag on continuing this project as my video making program crashed. However, I am hopefully soon going to have it up and running again within the next week and hope to bring more content for you to view. With That being said I am currently have plans to make 3 more backyard adventures. The first is a second version or redo if you will, of the rain catch experiment. the second is an adventure bag video to do my backyard/ outdoor adventures with. and finally, a hobo stove. Why a hobo stove you ask?  Well, I have attempted this project in the past, but the design is a bit flawed. Also, my do it yourself burn barrel can use some improvements. that is where I am going with the channel and blog in the near future. I am hoping that you stick with me and continue to check in with me now and again. Until next time. To quote the Prates of the Caribbean movies, "May the wind always be at your back Mates!!"

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