Me treasure looted!! Arr! Now that be a way get your digits removed fer sure, takin’ the likes of me most prized possessions (at the ones from where I be performin’ my daily duties) Now here be the tale, When set sail fer the home port Friday afternoon, I had misplaced Blackbeard, (that be me writing quill) and apparently left me tankard (that be me morning’ coffee cup) adrift somewhere where my fellow shipmates got their greasy little digits on them. Well now they kind of gotten a liken to me possessions and decided hold fer ransom. Gave me the black spot, they did!! So As I returned aboard on Monday Afternoon, ready get on with the deck swabbin’ I came across this here piece of parchment attached to me strongbox. Now Lostboy and College Cowboy don’t exactly give you “shiver me timbers” when you hear their name but rest assured mates, the be as black hearted as ol’ Shipwreck himself! So whilst I went to parley with em’ over the ransom, they were ready to cut rip until we came to an arrangement to satisfy both sides and end the end they gave me the map to where my belongings were stowed. Now that Blackbeard be safe, and me tankard can once again flow with the Kona delight, and can now once again do my duty as an “ honest” citizen. Shipwreck
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